Family Counseling in San Ramon, CA


As a family, you want to ensure everyone is taken care of and that the relationships that matter most thrive. So, it can be hard when there’s a disconnect between family members and you don’t know how to bridge the gap. Or, when your family experiences a loss or major transition, it can be challenging to navigate.

You may be a parent who is dealing with generational issues between you and your adult children. Or, you are an adult child who is struggling with the transition of aging parents or a parent with dementia. Perhaps you’re a family that is undergoing a divorce or dealing with infidelity.

Or, you’re a child trying to make sense of adults not getting along. A child whose whole family lacks communication skills that are needed to discuss difficult topics or are unable to effectively express their feelings. You just know your family dynamics are not working as well as you would like. Or, your family could use some support.


There are various reasons families, individuals, and couples may seek family counseling. It could be to help reduce stress, conflict, or misunderstandings within the family. It can even be to gain psychoeducation around mental health issues or illnesses and how to better respond to them.

  • Healing from trauma.
  • Developing trust and understanding among family members.
  • Improving communication skills.
  • Navigating financial difficulties.
  • Resolving cultural differences.
  • Supporting intergenerational relationships.
  • Addressing infidelity, and more.

Each family, individual, and couple is unique and has its own needs and concerns. Whether you are addressing concerns between family members, dealing with a major transition or loss, trying to better understand each other’s feelings and perspectives, or seeking more effective communication skills family counseling is an effective resource.

Family counseling has many positives that families, individuals, and couples will benefit from. It helps to recognize patterns of behavior, communication, and interaction between family members. It also helps to improve the overall functioning of families by increasing understanding, empathy, and trust. Therefore, family counseling can help to reduce stress and improve overall mental health and family function.

  • Increased understanding of the family system.
  • Improved communication and conflict resolution skills.
  • Enhanced intimacy, trust, and respect.
  • An improved sense of connection between family members.
  • Greater insight into the thoughts and feelings of each family member.
  • Increased self-esteem and confidence in the family system.

The benefits that family counseling provides can help you and your loved ones to foster strong connections and healthy, functional relationships. It strives to create an environment of support and help family members to better understand each other. Along with giving resources and skills to help you navigate changes and transitions.

At Sweet Mango Therapy Group, our team of compassionate therapists have worked with many families, individuals, and couples to better understand their unique challenges and help create positive change. Before family counseling, they were feeling stuck, disconnected, and overwhelmed. Or, they were navigating difficult transitions and needed guidance.

After attending counseling, our clients felt more connected with their family members. They all felt more empowered and better able to communicate their feelings and needs and had strengthened relationships. If they were navigating difficult transitions, they felt more supported and less alone.

During family counseling at Sweet Mango Therapy Group, we will help you to improve your problem-solving skills, improve the way your family talks to each other, help you get on the same page, and remind each other that you still love and care for one another. Our team of therapists will help you remember that you all want the same thing: a happy, healthy family.

Our approach to family counseling at Sweet Mango Therapy Group is to combine a systemic and solution-focused approach with the compassionate, nonjudgmental support of our therapists. In counseling, we will use our solutions-focused approach to help you to identify the strengths in your family and build on those strengths. Whereas we will combine the systemic approach, to help each individual in the family to help them understand themselves and the dynamics between other family members. By using both of these approaches, the whole family can start to gain insight and build more effective communication skills.


Our team of therapists at Sweet Mango Therapy Group knows how having your family feel connected and supported can make all the difference. You and your loved ones can reconnect, restore, and build a strong foundation for your relationships. You can navigate transitions and build resilience together. If you’re interested in beginning family counseling:

We understand that you and your loved ones may have other struggles that you are dealing with in your daily lives. This is why at Sweet Mango Therapy group, our team of therapists offers a variety of other therapy services. They understand each family is unique and they strive to provide individualized care that meets the specific needs of each person. This is why we offer services such as child therapybrainspottinganxiety therapytrauma counseling, and depression counseling. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our services, reach out today! You can also check out our FAQs and Blog!



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